Monday, October 24, 2011

Radical Red Potato Salad

A good friend of ours brought a delightful potato salad to Labor Day dinner...

As you might guess he's been busy at the Occupy event here in the Twin Cities, but I finally got him to toe the line, return to his desk, put his nose to the grindstone, and submit to my recipe request.  So, without further delay, here is the Eclectic Breakfast's first recipe post:

Below is the very confidential potato salad recipe. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.



- 6 medium red potatoes (better red than dead)

- 1/3 cup olive oil (liberated)

- 1 cup feta cheese (crumbled, as in "the vestiges of capitalism crumble into ruin")

- 2 tablespoons garlic powder (unless you're inviting the bourgeoisie parasite to dinner)

- 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar (or just soured red wine, if you're a peasant)

- 2 tablespoons dill (generously)

- 1/2 cup scallion (optional, I didn't have any at the time)

- 6 diced black olives or 6 slices roasted red bellpepper (also optional, did not have any at the time, what with the war on and all)

- salt and pepper (freshly ground under a jackboot)


1. Put the potatoes in hot water and let them sweat. 18-20 minutes ought to suffice before they give in.

2. Chop, press, crumble, and otherwise "re-educate" whatever other ingredients are at hand.

3. Let the potatoes cool again. Once all that agitation is out of their systems, dice them into 3/4-inch cubes. You will find their resistance has lessened.

4. Toss the potatoes with the olive oil and add the garlic salt. Allow them to return to "room temperature," as capitalist commentators call it; we prefer to call this process "mingling with the objective conditions."

5. Add feta and the optional scallions. Drizzle with vinegar. Add dill, salt, and pepper, and toss gently, just to show it who's boss.

6. Allow to rest for at least an hour. This way, the flavors mingle and can appreciate the full extent of your mercy.

7. Add an optional garnish (yuppie poseurs only).

Enjoy - but not too much, or else we'll accuse you of not sacrificing enough to the Party. And for Engel's sake, scrape your plate, there are starving marginalized children in Africa! ... and Asia ... and Europe ... and the Americas.

Photo credit Photos8

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