Haunting images from the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration...
Chris Willcox
The Lost Men (100 Years Ago), 2011
Acrylic and ink on paper
Cassie and I took a stroll through the Minneapolis Institute of Art today. There are two new exhibits in the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program. Standards is by Mark Ostapchuk, but I'm not schooled enough to fully appreciate abstract art. The one I wanted to see is 90 Degrees South, by Christine Willcox, Associate Professor of Art at Macalaster College. She has taken as inspiration the classic photographs from the ill-fated Scott and Shackleton expeditions in the Antarctic. I have what some have described as a morbid fondness for these stories and I'd say Professor Wilcoxx nailed the ethereal beauty and the numbed emotions of life and death on the ice at the far end of the world.
This fine exhibit runs through April 1, 2012.
This fine exhibit runs through April 1, 2012.