Monday, June 18, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

Is Wes Anderson's best movie ever...

Cassie took to me dinner and a movie for Father's Day.  The movie we chose was Moonrise Kingdom.  We found out why it's been sold out the last two times we tried to see it.  There is something spectacularly, wonderfully wrong with the inside of Wes Anderson's head.  He does not, perhaps cannot, see the world the same way normal people do.  His ability to show us what the world looks like to him is his profound gift to us.  Anderson is too young for Moonrise Kingdom to be his semi-autobiography, but I hope it is drawn from someone's story.   It is hilarious and heartfelt, gentle and subversive.  If you do not find Moonrise Kingdom funny and wistful, magical and fantastical throughout you are a sad and broken person (no pressure).  It may be the best movie I've seen all year.