I had hoped to call my blog "The Dog's Breakfast," but that name was long since taken. But in that spirit "The Breakfast" offers a little of this and a little of that, not all of it pretty, some of it poorly chewed. These are papers, posts, stories, correspondence, musings, and links to ideas that interest or amuse me.
It's been about three months since the planting...
Before (May 16, 2016).
The "Madame Galen" Trumpet Vines now (August 5, 2016). Have to see if I'm supposed to train them to the fence.
Now, hmm... The bright yellow and green leafed Gold Spot Euonymus appear healthy enough but don't seem much larger. Likewise, the purple leafed "Pipa's Red" Red Chinese Fringe Flower have grown sideways a little, but not up. UPDATE: The plant lady at Watter's said they look fine and recommended another serving of fertilizer.
I only half needed to go to the grocery store, which is across the parking lot from The Purple Cat used book store. The lure is usually irresistible, but I rarely get there before the 5:00 pm closing time. I alway enter looking only for a paperback copy of The Keep, by F. Paul Wilson. I always leave without it and, on average, three to five other volumes I didn't know I needed until I saw them. This time the haul was as follows: