Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Best of Intentions

And their alternates...

In 2012 I planned to read 40 books.  I read 39, but not all were those I had aspired to complete.

Three of the my unplanned reads were textbooks for classes I was asked to lead this summer.  There was also more science fiction and horror than I'd planned.  I'm coming to remember that some bracing fiction is a fine way to cleanse the palate between the heavy stuff.  Otherwise, I mostly skipped some history, psychology, and religion books in order to read different volumes on religion and more science.

Time to plan for 2013.  If I skip television and cut back on my Netflix perhaps I can read 52...

The books I meant to read in 2012, but didn’t:

The books I meant to read in 2012, and did:

Books I did not plan to read in 2012, but did:


  1. That's a lot of unplanned deviations! That's the best kind, though.

  2. For 2013 I'll take one of my bookshelves in the family room and start from the top left and work my way across and read whatever comes next. Most are fiction and unread. I sorted the shelves and most of the books I have read are in shelves in the basement. I'm tired of looking at all these unread books. Other books will catch my interest during the year but I've got to make headway on the old stock.
