Friday, March 2, 2012

Sensible Guidance

Against a horrible crime...

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has taken some well-earned knocks over the last ten years for goofy plans, media blunders, and agencies gone wild.

Their recent Human Trafficking Awareness Video for First Responders, an element of the agency's Blue Campaign, is a horse of another color.  Sensible, straight-forward, and well produced, it offers simple advice to first responders - primarily meaning police, fire, and emergency medical personnel - who may encounter victims of trafficking.  It is a nice piece of civic-minded work.

I like this short video (there are others) and related materials for the Blue Campaign so much I forwarded it on to my team, my peers, and members of my professional association.  We may convince ourselves that it cannot happen in our company or at its vendors, so let's just watch it and say we might just encounter it in the homes of the well to do, on the streets of our cities, or in the fields where our meals are grown.  And by knowing a little about the pernicious practice we might recognize it and do something about it.

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